Thursday, January 26, 2006

My Birthday!

The night before my birthday, I decided (after work!) that I needed to celebrate my last hours of being 26 so I dragged Lisa to the Marley Bar in Newtown, which is about a 15 minute walk from our house. I ordered a chocolatey cocktail concoction and she had something fruity. Then we hung out in this soft cushiony corner (see pic below) that Lisa wanted to recreate somehow in our house because of its plush cocoon like setting. I made it back home in time for my birthday at midnight, where we took pictures (of course) and Sacha brought out the cake she baked for me, which was a wonderfully chocolatey goo of happiness decorated with smarties.

The next day I decided to do whatever I wanted because well, it was the one day in the year that I can justify being the centre of the universe. So I stayed online and chatted and updated things and then I rushed of to kickboxing - which turned out to not be on again till the next week so I ended up boxing at home with Lisa.

Then off we went for dinner at Bills. I went with Sacha, Lisa, Kartini, Scott (her boyfriend) and we met up with Rey, who arrived on time (we were like, five minutes late). Kat & Rob arrived later on, then Andee, Raymond and finally Rose who had to walk all the way from Oxford street. We had a spectacular dinner - someday I will figure out how to make Bill's special mashed potatoes (my cousin gave me his recipe book for Christmas) - and I topped it off with chocolate souffle for dessert.

Rey gave me Bill Clinton's autobiography as a present. Sacha gave me a wonderfully nerdy history book on the middle east crisis. I love how everyone gave me nerdy books! Rose gave me a cute pink wallet and a picture frame (because you're always taking pictures), Kartini made me a bag which I keep getting compliments on wherever I take it and Lisa got me Batman Begins on DVD.

We ended the night just hanging out at home, with me and Andee attempting to take the perfect "Birthday Girl" picture since it was both our birthday!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Eek, I forgot to give you your now-very-belated birthday present! I'll bring it tomorrow...with the polvoron. :-)