Friday, November 03, 2006

Things I did while waiting for something to print

Your Unique Costume is a Cockroach

Truly creepy!

Halloween Horoscope for Capricorn

Your friends see a whole other side of you on Halloween - brash and bold.
You make be reserved and conservative most other days, but on the 31st... look out!

Costume suggestions: A stripper or naughty priest / nun

Signature Halloween candy: M & M's

Your Vampire Name Is...

Sirona of Scandinavia

Your Gluttony Quotient: 59%

You definitely have your gluttonous moments. For you, eating is a true hobby.
And while you do spend a lot on food, you can always make it back winning eating contests.

1 comment:

Pacs Pacunayen said...

4 tests while waiting for a print out? You must be really bored waiting.Ü