Thursday, November 24, 2005

This week in Leichhardt

SBC Packing!

To those who don't get the reference, this is from Rex Navarete's infamous comedy skit on "packing a hamster". For those unupdated, Im moving on Dec 3. My housemates are moving a week earlier and I will be left in the house with no furniture or fridge for a week. As such, I am going to stay at Sacha's for a week.

I've been packing, packing, packing. So far I have 9 boxes (6 of them mini-ones) of all my stuff. My inventory includes:
1. Books
2. Books (given by housemates) + Desk Stuff + DVDs + CDs
3. Cutlery (given by housemates)
4. Shoes
5. Postcards + Bags + 1 pair of shoes
6. Food (instant noodles, condiments, canned goods, etc.)
7. Toiletries (absolutely everything on my dresser including a shitload of drugs and creams for every ailment!)
8. Kitchen things (still open, to add pan/cutlery on last day)
9. Random things + 3 pairs of shoes (the leftover stuff that needs to be stored)

I've also got a bunch of orocans and a suitcase + handcarry + backpack.

Upon packing I discovered I would need another orocan vs a box because I could just move my winter stuff from the handcarry to it and wouldn't have to unpack when i got to the house. That way I could put immediate needs or possibly my entire cache of underwear in it.

Crikey! Where's the Crocodile Hunter when you need him

Lars: can i just say i was on my way downstairs to our storage/basement
volcanogirl28: may snake?
Lars: when suddenly i saw this like web stretched across [over]the stairs
Lars: kasi the stairs pababa is bordered by parang ivy like vines
Lars: and lo and behold may spider pa sa gitna
Lars: aba malay ko ba kung anong spider yon
volcanogirl28: hoy baka venomous!
Lars: kaya nga hindi na ako bumaba
Lars: this country has the worlds most poisonous anything
volcanogirl28: i know that's why i told you ayoko magbeach dyan
Lars: and how strange ha, new zealand next door doesnt have them
Lars: ano ba, walang poisonous achoochoochoo sa beach
volcanogirl28: ano ka ba i saw on discovery dyan yung parang almost invisible jellyfish
volcanogirl28: basta
volcanogirl28: 2 incheses in width, 1 foot in length
volcanogirl28: oooh wait din dins!

Slightly anti-climactic ending, that one. But. Have you ever seen a cricket? The closest I have ever been to a cricket, aside from hearing it sometimes in the province was the cricket background in Neon Genesis Evangelion. But here, they are big and badass. The first time I saw one I slightly freaked out til my housemate said, that's a cricket. I said, "Oh. Ive only ever heard one not seen one."

I think they are finding my encounters with insects amusing. (This is given one is native, animal loving Aussie and the other is a Kiwi who happens to be a zoo keeper who works with them Crikey animals everyday)

Has anyone ever heard of the drop bear? Jojo once told me this story that Aussies use to scare tourists, telling them to be careful and always look up in the forest because koala like bears can sometimes drop on their heads. Rooooit.

It actually works though, because this is Australia and it seems...plausible (?) somehow.

Though I think Aussies are as blase about their poisonous animals as we are about coup d'etats, terrorists and bomb threats.

U2 is coming here. Tickets onsale 5 Dec. Waiting to hear from 2 people if theyre coming. I want to sit in the Mosh Pit with the bazillion other fans, but no one from here wants to go with me. They want to sit down. The people who are thinking about it from Manila would probably not mind the mosh pit but I havent heard from them and Im getting worried na.

Must put the order in on Monday. Really Want To Go In The Mosh Pit for the full experience. Hope it all works out...

Random Thoughts

The American Music Awards is on and Mariah, who performed wonderfully came out in a dress where her boobs were not pantay. One was going up and one was going down, and you could clearly tell because there was a cut-out right in the middle of her dress. And whassap with Hilary and them knee high tie boots. Hon, you ain't even legal yet... plus what's with all the black when you sang a pop song about hearts?!? And what's this. Yet another version of Time after Time!

Okay, enough of the random AMA interlude.

Tomorrow, I will be purchasing an orocan, sorting out my clothing, meet my friend Rey, one of my former teammates who has just migrated here (he arrived yesterday and his wife and daughter will follow in Jan) and then go to work at 5.

Then this weekend, my last dinner in Leichhardt plus last minute packing/setting up then off to Sacha's for my week of crashing on their couch.

To quote my favorite dance band of the early, early 90s, "Here we go, here we go, here we go now!!!"

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