Saturday, October 09, 2004

Gaudi & Other Things

Yesterday I went back to work and spent, in fairness, only 11 hours, mostly scheduling and organizing and writing email. I was a bit tired after but went to mass and had dinner in north park. For some reason there was pain in my leg and i was kinda limping on the left side. Don't know why, so I bought salonpas (one of my best friends!) pasted it on and hoped for the best. Am having nice masseuse come over today to fix it.

Mom went to see Spanish modern dance last night, by a basque troupe. She said it was very interesting. Am off to see a Spanish film today, part of the film fest. I looked through the little booklet that mum has and there are a lot of movies I want to see, as well as the Gaudi exhibition in the Ayala Museum. I love Gaudi. When I went to Barcelona - 7 years ago, its been that long - we took a tour and we saw La Sagrada Familia and all the other buildings he designed. The picture above is of a building that, if I remember correctly, has now been converted into a series of expensive apartments. The tour guide mentioned that a long time ago people did not really like it because they thought it was too weird. I would love to live in this building though. Will talk more about this after I see the exhibit.

People have been asking if Im in London because of my blog - I wish! Im still here in sunny old Manila, prepping for three trips (whee!). Im currently looking through stuff to do and see and places to eat in while we're in Thailand - leaving next Sunday!!! Plus Im off to submit my visa stuff for Australia tomorrow. On the side, Lance & I have been discussing our digs in Cebu, since we're both scheduled to go next month. So far we've decided to get a house, so that we can all share and the rest of the members of our team will have a place to stay in right away, since we're all going to be rotational. Im pretty excited for all these things and am really wishing that I get better! Cebu looks like a good place to get healthy and relax. Am hoping the vacation to Thailand will do me some good, its been a very long time since I went on vacation (January) for real, and not just because I had to.

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