Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Im sick & Orlando Bloom is getting married.

So we went out this weekend. My throat was a little dry but I persisted anyway. Had an interesting night out, played some games at timezone - was totally pathetic at air hockey but had fun anyway - watched resident evil 2 and then had dinner at grappa's with the clients and people from work (see pictures, which i'll get up eventually!) and sat under the ceiling fan. Tried to sit in the middle where I wouldnt get hit but I guess it didnt work... neither did the chocolate from max brenner, which was absolutely delicious. Woke up with a cough, promptly went to the doctor, got drugged up and tried to rest.

Was not able to sleep much bec kept waking up to cough but I went to work anyway. By the middle of my shift I was coughy and wasnt my usual "vibrant self". Wasn't even hungry (How is that possible?). Went home with out OT - another first - and promptly tried to knock myself out. Had a massage, which let out all the stuff in my nose, turning it into a post-nasal drip from hell and could not get warm for the life of me. Took a while and a lot of comforters. Am feeling better now but I am not going to work tomorrow! I know better, damn it.

Really, really looking forward to my vacation now.

Am reading my mail, including the gossip sheet and dang, it says Orlando is getting married and that Jude might be. They havent been bachelors for very long! How sad. There goes my eyecandy... off to sweat some more :P

Dang, i'll figure out how to insert pictures the natural way later... :P

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