Monday, October 25, 2004

In the meantime...

Am back from Thailand and will post details on the journey soon but in the meantime Im at home, just chillin' so to speak. Listening to my new (pirated) cds and catching up on stuff via email. Also really enjoying my david beckham book - which cost 700 baht at the airport - and am glad to be alone at home since mom's gone out of town. So far have just washed my hair - a feat once you see my ganja girl picture - and am about to have a very late lunch. I dont plan to do much this week, just catch up with friends, go to pilates, update my blog and maybe structure a few things around my room better. Otherwise, its rest, rest, rest.

Ive posted a picture of me on the way to the airport at Phuket with my newly styled hair in its full glory till I get the rest of the blog going. I love my hair :)

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