Friday, October 08, 2004

One Undignified Rant

Current Soundtrack of the Day: U2 - Achtung Baby

So today was my "deferred off". I ran a couple of errands, most of which involved buying underwear and discovering that thanks to a combination of hormones, pectoral exercises and the fact that all the stuff in Marks & Spencer is now "Asian Size" (meaning, they must be built for tiny oriental women) I had to get something more than I was used to. How it is possible that I am 2 sizes and a cup size bigger than the original I will leave to the explanation of my gyneacologist who said i needed the medicine in the first place. (Someday soon I will add a list of diseases that I have to this column)

That said, I went home. To work. I have been working at home since I got home. This is not fair. When I say work at home, it usually means I have to draft some proposal or edit some damn thing. Not fix the schedule and training and run around like a headless chicken organizing other people's lives. That's why I didnt go to work in the first place!!!

I was supposed to be looking for nice places to visit in Phuket, which none of us have ever been to before and find a nice template for my blog. (Damn, I have to relearn my html. And figure out the frames thing.) On the bright side, I did finally make the registration cut off time for photobucket so here are our pictures from the weekend:

Erica & Chris, DJ, Donna & JP Do Some Damage at Max Brenners

Yaaay! Now on to more complicated posts once I figure out how to do everything else. I also tried to put in a picture of me for my profile but apparently you cant do it if the picture is too big. I looked through my pictures and the only tiny one I have is of Ryan, my team mate, looking like a drunken sea monster. A round, mr potatohead like drunken sea monster. So Im off to edit one of my pictures to make it nice and tiny so that I will finally have a picture in my profile (in fairness, I know how to do that)

I've decided one simple thing: If I Wake Up I Will Go To Work. I have told my boss I will go on day off but bah, humbag, Im probably going to end up working anyway, and there's so much shit to fix, plus if I dont go to work when I get back, haaaay. Never mind.

Anyway, I have got to get back to the grind and finish what I am doing. If only I could reward myself with a chocolate bar but noooo I can't have sweets because I have a cough. All because of a bloody electric fan. And dust. Im stuck having chamomile tea and am too lazy to get up and turn on the liiiiight. Must. Try. To. Be. More. Peaceful.

Overrrr and Oooooout. Phwwwraoooar.

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